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The Admin Building is undergoing remodeling. The main entrance is now back open.

Wastewater Treatment

Clinton County Environmental Services offers the following services for wastewater treatment.

Onsite Wastewater Treatment

The Clinton County Health Department:

  • Regulates the design, construction and installation of all private on-site treatment systems installed in Clinton County
  • Samples private on-site treatment systems
  • Provides assistance with complaints relating to sewage treatment and disposal system

Iowa Septic Standards & Rules

Fees for Service/Program

Septic Permit Residential (new or renovation) $150
Septic Permit Non-Residential* (new or renovation) $200
Holding Tanks - Vault Toilet $50
Component Replacement Permit** $50

Septic Permit for System Installed Prior to Permitting or Approval***

*Includes commercial, recreational and other non-residential systems with flow rates over 750gpm or high strength waste.

**Includes replacement of septic tank or distribution box. Does not require inspection.

***Includes any system in which construction has been started

Order of Procedures for New or Replacement Septic Systems

  1. Contact Contractor or Sanitarian's Office to determine the proper location for the absorption field.
  2. Contact registered professional engineer regarding percolation testing if applicable.
  3. Present percolation test results and other information, (number of bedrooms, toilets, sinks, bathtubs, shower, etc.), or reconstruction details to Sanitarian's Office for sizing of the system.
  4. Complete application and purchase septic system construction permit ($150.00), or other applicable permit, at Sanitarian's Office.
  5. Notify the Sanitarian's Office of the time of beginning construction or reconstruction (24 hrs. is appreciated if possible), and of the time when the system will be ready for inspection. (2 hr. minimum notice required).


Satellite Offices

226 11th St.
DeWitt, IA 52742
Driving Directions

Contact Information

563-659-8148 | Environmental Services
563-242-7165 | Public Health/MercyOne Genesis VNA Hospice
563-659-2616 | Environmental Services (Fax)
563-242-7197 | Public Health/MercyOne Genesis VNA Hospice (Fax)


Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Closed 12:30-1:30 for lunch
Holiday Closures

Map & Directions