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State Individual Assistance for storm damage from 05-21-24

posted on 5/30/24 · posted by Emergency Management

Point of Contact: Community Action of Eastern Iowa, 563-324-3236,

Gov. Reynolds issued a disaster proclamation Wednesday for Cedar, Clinton and Muscatine counties in response to severe weather beginning May 21st. The governor’s proclamation activated the Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program
(IIAGP) and the Iowa Disaster Case Advocacy program.

Individuals suffering losses of personal property or having structural damage to their personal residence may contact the local “community action” office located in their county. Community Action of Eastern Iowa covers Cedar, Clinton and Muscatine counties.

The Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program (IIAGP) may provide up to $5,000 of assistance, reimbursement and/or vendor voucher, for covered items to households at or below 200% of the federal poverty level, pictured below.
Application must be made through your local community action office. You may be eligible for repair or replacement of items damaged by storms/flooding. Potential applicants have 45 days from the date of proclamation to submit a claim.

The Iowa Disaster Case Advocacy (IDCA) program is to address serious needs to overcome disaster-related hardship, injury or adverse conditions. Disaster case advocates work with clients to create a disaster recovery plan and provide guidance and referrals. There are no income eligibility requirement for Disaster Case Advocacy and there is no direct financial assistance provided by Disaster Case Advocacy. Disaster Case Advocacy closes 180 days from the disaster proclamation.

Additionally, individuals affected by the storms/flooding are encouraged to report their damage/losses to their county Emergency Management office.

Family Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
200% Povery Level $30,120 $40,880 $51,640 $62,400 $73,160 $83,920 $94,680 $105,440