Clear · 59°
The Admin Building is undergoing remodeling. The main entrance will be closed. Please enter through the North door for all business.

Dust Control Permits

posted on 3/20/24 · posted by Secondary Roads

Clinton County Dust Control Permits are due April 15, 2024.
Please go to the following link to complete the on-line application.

Dust Control Permit

You can also e-mail for a copy of a dust control permit application. 

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State Individual Assistance for storm damage from 05-21-24

posted 5/30/24 · Emergency Management Gov. Reynolds issues disaster proclamation including the Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program and Iowa Disaster Case Advocacy program

Updated Public Notice - Proposed FY2025 Budget

posted 4/9/24 · Board of Supervisors

FSA/SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans Available to Iowa Small Businesses and Farmers

posted 4/5/24 · Emergency Management Farmers and Small Businesses are now eligible to apply for loans since Clinton County has been declared a drought disaster county.

FY2025 Proposed Tax Levy

posted 3/13/24 · Auditor

Comparison of FY23 to FY24 Tax Levy Rates

posted 9/12/23 · Board of Supervisors Comparison of FY23 to FY24 Tax Levy Rates as discussed during the 9/11/23 Board of Supervisors Meeting.